2024 London & Thameside Dowsers

Subscriptions for 2024 are £20.00 single, £38.00 couples & visitors £8.00 per visit.
We meet at alternative venues

MILE END (Saturdays)

Coborn Arms,
Coborn Road, Mile End
London E3 2DA
(11.00am for 11.15am Start)
RICHMOND (Sundays)

The usual venue of One Kew Road, Richmond is now closed.
An alternative venue is still currently being sought.
Please watch this space for further information.
Note: The talk on 13th Oct will be Zoom only.

Sat 27th January
Knights, Tribes, and Ley Lines
Sir Richard Heygate delves into Visigoths, Templars and The Enigmatic Michael and Mary Lines.
This will be an audio-visual talk.
Sun 25th February
We welcome Don Bryan who will give a Zoom talk on the Stonhenge Landscape, which is always a popular talk.
This is a one hour Zoom talk. It is free to members of London Dowsers and £8 for non-members.
The advertised zoom link has now chnaged to the following:
Meeting ID: 741 8627 7017 Passcode: 8QwaKE

Sat 30th March
Keith Harmon, health and MASAD organiser. Talk on ‘Odds and Ends'
Sunday 19th May
A new speaker, Dr Robert Radakovic will talk in-person about Psychical Research and the Paranormal in the Late Ninetenth Century
For those unable to attend, the talk will also be streamed on YouTube.
Click here to watch it.
While considering the fundamental questions of nature and humanity’s place within the universe, many of the key thinkers of the late Victorian period found science or religion alone as inadequate individual tools with which to help with the answers. Through paranormal research they derived more comprehensive theories. This talk looks at some of what took place at the time and asks what relevance there is for today’s paranormal researchers.
Sat 25th May
Andy Burnham presents a highly illustrated and fast paced talk on new discoveries about Megatlithis and mysteries surrounding these stones. He will also have books on the subject for sale.
Sunday 30th June
Note there has been a change from the original programme with both date and speaker. Neil Nixon will now talk present a talk Adventures in Ufology. A digest of ten stories gathered from his own history with the subject. The talk will provide a means of understanding the bigger picture in ufology, and a few other personal stories regarding lessons learned whilst investigating things related to ufology.
Neil Nixon has spent a lifetime fascinated with the big mysteries - especially those classed as paranormal - and this talk draws on his published work dealing with subjects like UFOs and ghosts, but also takes time to consider the importance to all our lives of connecting with something bigger than ourselves that we struggle to explain.
Sat 27th July
Bring dowsing rods as John Baker will show you some practical dowsing techniques. For example; How you need never get lost. How to search for lost items. Auras and how they try to look after us. Effects of mobile phones and how ‘Electro Smog’ can have serious effects on some people. A mixed bag of useful information.
August no meeting

Sat 28th September
Dowsing for life energy and other experiments
Life energy ( chi or prana ) is a dowsable moving field that supplies energy to living things. This will be explained and followed by exercises to dowse it . There will also be some experiments involving other dowsable energies including the aura and the fields surrounding regular solids eg cones and tetrahedra.
Please bring dowsing rods and /or pendulums.
Sunday 13th October - 11.30am
We welcome another new speaker, Robert Lomax who is a psychic and works with spirit guides
He will give an introduction to various experiences and how he was awoken to multidimensional soul. He will include anecdotal examples. Through his distant viewing, he is able to walk others into meeting their spirit guides as a form of healing. The talk will include Q&A. For more info see roblomax.co.uk
NOTE: This is a Zoom talk and there will be no meeting at the usual venue of One Kew Road.
This talk open to members of London Dowsers: Select this link to join the talk.

Nov 16th Saturday
We welcome Nigel Grace with A/V on Pyramids of Bosnia.
Due to problems with our venue, we will be unable to meet up this month. However, moves are afoot to bring you a new programme of events for 2025. Stay with it.

Annual membership for 2024 will be £20.00, £38 for couples and £8.00 per meeting for visitors. Send Cheques made out to London and Thameside Dowsers, post to: Mr. A. David. 2, Odsey Meadows. Baldock Rd; Odsey. SG7 6SD. Your membership includes 6 meetings at Mile End and 5 meetings at Richmond (approx £1.81 per meeting if you attend all). Lunches are available at both venues.

** Summer Meet-ups = informal gatherings to visit sites in central London,
(Ideas please to jbaker864@btinternet.com ..... Is there a site you would like to explore ?) **